Hectronics Fuel Management System

Decantation Flow Metering Solutions

Decantation Flow Metering Solutions

Accurate Quantity measured through weights and measures certified Quality Flow Meters.

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Hectronics Top Loading Management

Hectronic Top Loading Management

It chances of unauthorized fueling is completely eliminated though RFID Automatic Vehicle recognition system.

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Browser Fuel Management Systems

Browser Fuel Management Systems

It can be Vehicle comes to the Fuel Station. Operator picks the nozzle, pumps starts and fueling is done.

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Anti-Theft Fuel Sensors Solutions

Anti-Theft Fuel Sensors Solutions

Hectronics Auto Fuel Sensors will be integrated with the existing Fuelling system like dispensers or a pump and motor system.

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Stationary Fuel Management System

Stationary Fuel Management System

Hectronic Auto Fuel Terminal will be integrated with the Existing fuelling system like dispensers or a pump and motor system.

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Automotive Tanks Gauges with Water Detection Solutions

Automotive Tanks Gauges with Water Detection Solutions

It will be integrated with the existing fuelling system of the automotive tanks gauges with the water detection.

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